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Additional information can also be provided upon request or available at Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ORCiD, Linkedin, KHU haptics and VR lab, and Bio-inspired Robotics Lab. at University of Cambridge

Latest news:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Science is Wonderful! 2024 Outreach event

Just found a couple of minutes to share what I learned from kids...

A couple of weeks ago, we presented a demo on teleoperation at one of the biggest outreach events of the European Commission, "Science is Wonderful!" Initially, I thought the difficult part would be the age of the participants (kids), since most of them don’t speak any English.

Surprisingly, I found communication with younger kids much easier. Most of the information exchanged with kids is implicit, through intuitive examples and body language, i.e., communication that resonates in their world. As they grow up, kids start relying more on explicit information and symbolic languages, which can become a barrier when there is no common language.

Most communication in our daily lives happens implicitly. We share common experiences and understand each other in ways that are hard to describe with any symbolic language. Will large language models (LLMs) be able to make robots truly a part of our society?

We hosted the 29th Conference on Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) 2023 at University of Cambridge 

We have organized a workshop on Soft Robotics and Embodied AI for Food and Home Applications at EPFL Switzerland

Our paper received an Outstanding Article Award-2022 by Frontiers Robotics and AI journal.

Our paper "Mastication-Enhanced Taste-Based Classification of Multi-Ingredient Dishes for Robotic Cooking" has received over 12,000 views and has been published in 279 news articles, including renowned news agencies like Reuters. The article was also mentioned in four Wikipedia Articles. As a result, the article was featured in Frontiers Robotics and AI Editor's Pick 2022 and received the Outstanding Article Award 2022

I greatly appreciate all efforts of the lead author Grzegorz Sochacki and the project supervisor Fumiya Iida, BIRL Lab., University of Cambridge.

We have organized a workshop on Soft Robotics for Mixed Reality at the University of Cambridge, UK 

On 8-9 December 2022, we organized the workshop on "Soft Robotics for Mixed Reality".  The workshop was designed to cover all aspects of the target research direction including technology, materials, and human study. We invited 14 renowned speakers from Cambridge (Fulvio Froni, Tamar Makin, Tetsushi Nonaka, George Malliaras, and Sohini Kar-Narayan), across the UK (Jonathan Rossiter, Etienne Burdet, Dana Damian, Shuhei Miyashita, Thrish Nanayakkara), and Switzerland (Dario Floreano, Herbert Shea, Mirko Kovač, Frank Clemens, Josie Hughes). The workshop is supported by the UKRI BBSRC Networking grant. 20 posters have been also presented by young researchers.

I would like to thank co-organizers Fumiya Iida (BIRLab, University of Cambridge) and Josie Hughes (CREATE Lab, EPFL). I would also like to express my appreciation for the admin support of Veronica Egorova and Narges Hosseini.

I have been awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship and two Grant Proposals were accepted

I will start the fellowship in September 2022. The fellowship is co-funded by EU Project Horizon 2020 and two UK companies, National Highways and Costain. The fellowship has been awarded for the next three years. Additionally, two grant proposals were accepted. The first proposal is funded by Trimble company which will cover £10000 expenses for equipment. The second is a networking grant worth £30000 by UKRI BBSRC, which will cover the organization of two workshops, i.e., in Cambridge, UK, and Lausanne, Switzerland. I also became a postdoctoral member of Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

Our paper is accepted for IEEE World Haptics 2021 Conference and got nominated for the Best Paper Award

Our paper entitled "Data-driven Haptic Modeling of Plastic Flow Via Inverse Reinforcement Learning" was nominated upon the high review scores for the best paper award. Unfortunately,  we could not win the prize this time. The IEEE World 2021 was originally scheduled to be held in Montreal, Canada. But eventually, the conference took place online due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

I would like to thank my Ph.D. adviser Seokhee Jeon for his support and collaboration. I would also like to express my appreciation to the conference organizers for setting up a wonderful virtual venue.

We are proud to announce that our paper received the Best Full Paper Award at 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2019

Our paper entitled "Measurement-based Hyper-elastic Material Identification and Real-time FEM Simulation for Haptic Rendering" initially nominated upon the high review scores and then got awarded at the conference banquet on the ship cruising in the Sydney Harbour. Such a wonderful place to receive the best paper award. The paper also  got invited and presented as a poster at SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 held in Brisbane, Australia. 

I would like to thank my adviser Seokhee Jeon and collaborators from "Perception & Computer Vision Lab.": Ibragim Atadjanov and Seungkyu Lee,  for the fruitful collaboration.

Our project received the first place in Automotive Student Challenge at Asia Haptics 2018 

The student challenge was sponsored by The Hyundai Motor Group and devoted to conceiving innovative haptics solutions for the next generation vehicles.   The competition took a place in two steps. First, eight international teams with outstanding project proposals got selected out of numerous submissions. These teams were provided the $1500 grant for implementing their ideas within five months period. To compete for the grand prize, the teams submitted two progress reports,  reported final results in an oral presentation at the conference, and demonstrated the working prototype at the conference exhibition. I am pleased to announce that our team received the first place and got the $5000 prize.

I would like to thank my adviser Seokhee Jeon and my friend Ruslan Rakhmatov for the wonderful collaboration on this project.

We won the first place in Automotive Student Challenge at Korea Haptics Community (KHC) 2017

The challenge took a place in the annual workshop organized by the haptics community in Korea. The competition was divided into two steps. First, participants submitted their project proposals in a given format. Then, the competition committee selected the best 10 teams out of 102 submissions. The finalists orally presented their projects to workshop attendees, where our project received the grand prize, 2,000,000 Won (approx. $2000).

I would like to thank my adviser Seokhee Jeon for the support and collaboration.